REscheduled pending end of quarantine - I hope to offer this in July!
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Shift Your Subconscious Patterning and Allow More Money, Time, and Ease to Flow Into Your Life!
This daylong playshop is all about creating some wiggle-room in those baked-in unconscious templates we all have for how much abundance we allow ourselves to experience.
During this Playshop you will:
Identify your main blocks to more money and abundance
Discover what you have been unconsciously projecting onto money
Revise your Money Blueprint and lay a path forward beyond your current glass ceiling so that your subconscious knows it is safe to take this new route.
Upgrade your Self-Worth settings
Marinate in a morphic field of expanding abundance
employ your intuition to make a powerful tool for you to take home and use daily to speak directly to your subconscious and help integrate the highs and realizations of this day
To be clear, money is one part of the equation, and we will be amplifying Full-Spectrum Abundance which includes time, well-being, and freedom - all in a spirit of playful curiosity realigning with our natural state as conscious creators.
Exercises will include EFT (tapping), systemic constellation-informed NLP practices, and various tools for revising subconscious patterning.
We also have Shanti Sound Healing offering their luscious Gong Meditation at the start and finish for integration support.
Because this day is all about entraining your nervous systems for more amazing lusciousness... we shall start off with the most delicious drinking chocolate. Doors open at 10:30am and from 10:30-10:50 we shall be serving deep rich cups of cacao (raw and lightly sweetened with honey), as a soft opening and invitation for people to arrive early and settle in with a dose of luxurious deliciousness. We shall begin the structured portion of our day promptly at 11am.

your facilitator
Ania has a knack for going deep into the root of things while holding a very lighthearted and emotionally nourishing container, which helps her clients make miraculous shifts with surprising ease.
She is a triple-certified Master Neuro-linguistic Programming Practitioner, trained at NLP Marin, one of the only NLP training programs that skews far on the trauma-informed end rather than the salesy end of the scale (mentioning this in case your experience with NLP is limited to the "three weird brain tricks" kinda dudes). Her background is in Jungian and Transpersonal psychotherapy before going in a coaching direction.
She's worked with everyone from struggling artists and healers to millionaire entrepreneurs, and delights in witnessing humanity drop the hustle and reclaim their birthright as conscious creators living in alignment with the abundant nature of their magickal souls.
April 11, 2020 . 1030am - 530pm
LUmEria Maui . 1813 Baldwin ave

I learned about money magic by diving into the deep end of entrepreneurship, opening my private therapy practice directly after I finished grad school in 2010. That first year was a surprise accelerated study of shadow work and soul-retrieval as I was forced to either rewire my foundational patterning of low self-worth, or starve.
What my soul taught me was how to create wealth through alignment and how not to hustle ever again.
Because hustling is creating from ego, which is far less effective or sustainable than creating from soul-alignment with creative forces more powerful than yourself.
At the end of 2010, I was on food stamps and 2 months behind on my rent. By the summer of 2011, I was completely out of scarcity mode. By 2012 I was running a transformational collective in San Francisco and making more money than I could spend every week. And by 2013 I had upgraded my life in all sorts of ways with a new car, new amazing home, and space in my life for true love. And also the time and resources to start what ended up measuring up to a second grad program - 4 years of study at NLP Marin.
Over the next several years I kept upgrading my experience of abundance to include increasing amounts of free time for self-care and creative pursuits, and to be a well-rounded human who is not defined by her profession.

(unsolicited email from workshop participant)
How clear it is that you are on your right(eous) path. You, Ania, are the real deal! This appeared in even more stark relief when I went to the Thrive Academy summit. I had had a feeling it wouldn't be the right place for me, but I registered anyway. Right away--the loud music, attempts to drown our internal voice and balanced intuition. It felt like measured, subtle, increasing manipulation and it did not feel fun. I left after an hour and a half. Your path, however, is to help people unlock their own righteous paths and intuition, which is not cookie-cutter, not a pyramid scheme, but rather holistic and individualized and working in tandem with my whole self and my intuition. Thank you for offering something that continues to resonate for me with growth and trust.

(unsolicited email from workshop participant)
I found this unexpected experience to be deeply impactful at the time, perhaps even more so long term. When I walked in, I had no idea it was an EFT workshop, but figured more of a "how to run your hippie business" talk.
As a teenager, I thought I'd pursue social work, but many autoimmune/financial problems led me to drop out of undergrad and pursue herbalism apprenticeships and birth doula training. When I attended Burning Man that year (my first year, my sister gifted me a ticket), I was primarily making money as a nanny and childcare provider, with occasional herbal teaching gigs, low-cost clients and once-in-a-while, a birth or postpartum family. None of my holistic skills trainings really prepared me to make them my "jobby job," and I was still working on balancing my own health to be able to balance the unpredictable lifestyle of a birth worker.
One thing I noticed instantly after attending your workshop was that my habit of nervously pulling out my hairs completely stopped. It was like a light switch went off, and I had absolutely no desire to mindlessly pick at my scalp/hairs in the weeks and months following that event. It's something I've struggled with since at least pre-teen age (picking/scratching/cutting in general), and has reached more balance lately, but I'm still working on it. I had never been exposed to EFT before attending your workshop, but it seemed to be exactly what clicked that tick "off" in my nervous system for the time being, even though I was technically integrating messages unrelated to hair pulling at the time.
The following summer, I completely transitioned from full-time nanny to full-time doula, with enough clients to carry me through the months and years. I started out the transition by making as much money as I made providing childcare, and have in 4 years actually doubled my income as a birth/herb worker, making homeownership (at least mortgage ownership, the American way) attainable to me in the very expensive city of Boston.
My partner and I now bought and renovated a little house this year! A major testament to and culmination of how financially stable I've managed to be as a self-employed person since the workshop!

I engaged Ania as a coach at the beginning of 2012 to help me work on building my own healing business - I've known Ania for quite a while and I've looked to her practice as a perfect model for how to work with people from the heart, and also generate a sustainable, abundant life as a healer.
I had several meetings with Ania throughout the year, and found them transforming. She gently upgraded my thinking in ways such as moving beyond a scarcity state to properly invest in my business, planning for long-term success, and planning a more holistic approach to my client interactions.
What I was able to learn from Ania worked really quickly. Six months after our initial meeting, I had a new office, and a great start with clients. A year later and I have a thriving practice. I owe much of that to the shift in strategy and core beliefs that Ania helped me with.
I appreciate how she shows up in the world with loving service, prosperity, and solid optimism, and how easily she showed me how to have these for myself.
I highly recommend to engage with Ania whether you are just starting out as a healer, or trying to take your practice to the next level. Ania's insights were a great stepping stone to elevating my practice to where I always knew it could be.

I came to Ania in need of some deep restructuring, both in the way I move through (and get stuck in) life, and in my approach to money and my business. I did a group with Ania around building a healing practice, and I very much recommend her group work, as well as her one-on-one sessions.
Both the group and my individual session with Ania exceeded my expectations.
My doubts had me thinking that I shouldn't need to get support from others, that I already knew what I needed to do and should be able to do it all myself, and that it would be weird to explore a spiritual perspective in my business model with a bunch of other people. Honestly, I was afraid it would all be too woo-woo.
However, while Ania holds the spiritual piece strongly in her work, she is anything but woo-woo. She cuts to the chase and is extremely grounded and solid. My session with Ania rocked my expectations, and her love, strength, skill, intuition, and intelligence are all so palpable. I'm amazed at how gracefully Ania is able to convey all of this in her direct, yet understated manner. She's helping me to fundamentally change the way I see my life, radically expand what I thought was possible, and heal old things I didn't think could ever be healed. I can't recommend Ania highly enough.

I just finished Ania's private practice start up group for healers and wanted to speak to how much it's helped me. Growing your own business can really stir some fear and can hit such deep layers, leaving you questioning your self worth, financial survival, etc. Ania brought to life some powerful energetic practices around generating abundance and helped me explore and shift my survival mentality.
Although I came to the group with a significant amount of knowledge about the practical, how-to part of marketing, the inner tools that she taught me have made a huge difference. My practice grew significantly during her course and I feel much better prepared to weather the inevitable ups and downs.
Ania is someone who is living what she teaches and you can really feel this. She is willing to share her own journey, both successes and failures, which helped me trust in taking this leap. I got a lot from just soaking in her way. She brings herself and her personal gifts into her marketing and her work and I felt more permission to do this.

Ania is a one-of-a-kind healer. She has many practical tools of the trade and lots of training to help you out of a rough patch, but she also has an intuitive gift and knows how to get to the heart of the matter in a direct, but gentle way. She will meet you where you are, and gently guide you forward into a non-judgmental, self-loving, forgiving and authentic relationship with yourself and others.
I highly recommend her for anything you want to address. Starting a business? Changing careers? Trouble with your love life? Grief or depression? Doesn't matter the issue, as she brings a creative approach, a sense of wonder and curiosity and a deep love and open-heartedness to every situation. She helps you tap into your deep self-knowledge and wisdom and gain the confidence that you know what is right for you and have the ability to do it.
Ania is simply an inspiring healer and teacher who clearly loves what she does. I would recommend her to anyone.
-coaching client